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adult chocolate milk aged anejo appetizer apple aroma artisan ashes bamboo pizza board bark basil blanco bloody mary Blue Ice bourbon brandy brie burratta caramel Chai tea chalk board champagne charcuterie cheese cheese ball cheese knife cheese maker cherries chevre chianti chilies chipotle chocolate chopin christmas chutney cigar citrus cockail cocktail cocktails coffee cold crackers craft creme de cocao cube cubes cucumber culinary vixen Curaçaos cured meats daiguiris dessert diluting dinner party distilled DIY drink edible eggnog elderflower english peas entertaining espresso everclear eyeballs family gathering fig figs flavor foam food food display fruit fruity gathering gelatin gift gin goat cheese grain grand marnier habanero hallloween ideas halloween hemp seed highballs History holiday holiday gift holidays homemade hot toddy hurricane ice infused infusion innovative irish jack daniels japanese sake jello labeling cheese lavender learning leaves lecithin lemon libation lime lime juice limoncello liqeuer liqor liquer liqueur liquor lliqeuer lybation margarita margaritas martini mason jar match melon margie membrillo midnight martini Mixology mojito moscow mule moto muddle mulled wine national margarita day neat new years nigori sake noodles nutmeg nuts olives orange pairing pan forte paring parmigiano reggiano party pasta Pear pineapple pinot pinot bianco pinot blanc pizza dough potato prosciutto pumpkin raisins recipe redbull reposado rim rimmed glass rinds Rocks rum sake salt sangria scotch serving cheese shaker shots simple cooking simple syrup single malt smoked salt sorbet spaghetti spiked spirits st germain st. germain sugar sweet tasting teaching tequila tequila u thanksgiving tips tomatoes treats university Vacation vodka watermelon whiskey whisky white wine wine wings zest

distilling 101

Join us for a little history lesson about how distilled liquor came to be. By definition a distilled beverage, liquor, or spirit is an alcoholic beverage containing ethanol that is produced by distilling ethanol produced by means of fermenting grain, fruit, or vegetables. This excludes undistilled fermented beverages such as beer, wine, and cider.

The term hard liquor is used in North America to distinguish distilled beverages from undistilled ones (implicitly weaker).

In modern distillation, except for the invention of the continuous still in the 19th century, the basic process of distillation has not changed since the 8th century. There have been many changes in the methods used to prepare organic material for the still, and the ways the distilled beverage is finished and marketed. Knowledge of the principles of sanitation and access to standardised yeast strains have improved the quality of the base ingredient; larger, more efficient stills produce more product per square foot and reduce waste; ingredients such as corn, rice, and potatoes have been called into service as inexpensive replacements for traditional grains and fruit. For tequila, the blue agave plant is used. Chemists have discovered the scientific principles behind aging, and have devised ways to accelerate aging without introducing harsh flavors. Modern filters have allowed distillers to remove unwanted residue and produce smoother finished products. Most of all, marketing has developed a worldwide market for distilled beverages among populations that previously did not drink spirits.
Now that you have some understanding of the distillation process, it's time to get mixing. We have a ton of great recipes here and on our page to enjoy.

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